Our Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility
We will coexist in harmony with the society and the environment, aiming for a sustainable development together with the communities in which we operate.
Basic philosophy
As a member of the Toyo Kohan Group, we clearly understand that preserving, and even improving, the global environment is one of the most important issues common to all mankind, and will contribute to building a circular economy for sustainable development while giving careful consideration to the environment in all aspects of our operations.
Principles of our CSR activities
1. Continuously improve our environmental management system to enhance our environmental performance.
2. Comply with laws and regulations and other requirements.
3. Set environmental targets and strive to achieve them.
4. Promote environmental protection through the initiatives related to the following:
1) Energy and resource conservation
2) Reduction, reuse and recycling of waste
3) Product and technical development and manufacturing with due consideration to the environment
4) Engagement in biodiversity conservation
5. Educate employees to raise their awareness of environmental issues.
6. Maintain good communication with the communities in which we operate to help them establish a better environment.
Environmental activities
1. ISO 14001 certification
Kohan Kogyo has received integrated certification of ISO 14001 environmental management system as a member of the Toyo Kohan Group.
2. Our environmental management system is applied to all of our operations.
3. Please visit the website of Toyo Kohan Co., Ltd. to see the performance of environmental activities of the group.
Our Environmental Policy
Coexisting with Local Communities for Mutual Prosperity
We conduct factory tours for employees' family members and students from high schools, technical colleges, universities and other academic institutions as well as local residents so that they know about us as a manufacturing company.
Factory tours

Community cleanup
We have been involved in community cleanup activities to allow us to coexist with the communities in which we operate, to raise our employees' awareness of the environment, and to encourage a better understanding by local residents of our commitment to environmental protection.

Participation in flower bed competition
We participate in the flower bed competition hosted by the city of Kudamatsu to help improve the city's landscape.

Diversity Initiatives
Registering as a Yamaguchi Parenting Support Company
As part of our initiatives for a better work-life balance of our employees, we have registered as a Yamaguchi Parenting Support Company under the local government-led project in Yamaguchi prefecture to support working parents. We are actively working on the creation of a worker-friendly workplace that allows employees to balance work and childcare while fully demonstrating their abilities.

Registering as a Yamaguchi Fathering Support Company
We have also registered as a Yamaguchi Fathering Support Company in an effort to support working parents by creating a work environment that encourages male workers to take part in child-rearing, allowing more fathers to take childcare leave.

Initiatives to empower women
In order to realize a society where women can fully demonstrate their characteristics and abilities, we have formulated a General Business Owner Action Plan based on laws related to advancing women's empowerment in workplace and support for fostering next-generations. Under the plan, we recruit more women and provide support for female workers to develop their career.